Our team at Cross Street Sports takes great pride in delivering high-quality event video packages. We understand how important event film is to student-athletes, their families, and college coaches as they try to navigate the recruiting process. Our team works closely with our video operators to ensure you are getting the best film possible at every event.
Our Terms of Use & Refund Policy can be easily accessed on our website at any time. This policy is also presented to customers during the checkout flow for any event film purchase for full transparency.
Our goal is to capture 100% of the action at every event, and to do so at the highest quality we can achieve. However, in the event that an issue does arise with your film package, we've outlined our refund policy below.
- Pre-Event Refunds: Orders may be canceled and fully refunded for any reason up until 1:00 PM EST the day prior to the start of the event.
- Weather: Refunds will not be issued due to weather delays or cancellations.
- Inability to Participate: After an event, refunds will not be issued due to an athlete’s inability to participate in the event or lack of playing time.
- Missed Regular Games: Film packages include all regular games played. If we do not capture regular games due to scheduling errors or changes, a refund will be issued for the cost of each game that was missed.
- Missed Playoff or All Star Games: We will do our best to capture any playoff, bracket, championships, or all-star games played. If captured, these games will be included in a film package at no additional cost. Refunds will not be issued in the event that playoff, bracket, championships, or all-star games are not captured
- Film Quality: The film samples linked on each film purchase page represents the quality of the footage customers should expect to receive. Refunds will only be issued for quality-related complaints when the quality of the footage captured is demonstrably less than than the sample provided on the film purchase page.
If you believe that the quality of the footage in your event video package significantly deviates from the sample provided, please contact our customer support team within 10 days of receiving your package. We will review the footage promptly and may offer a resolution on a case-by-case basis.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding our refund policy or your order, please don't hesitate to contact our customer support team for via help@crossstreetsports.com.
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